Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Final Destination (2000) watchalong!
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
The Spookhouse Podcast is out on hiatus, but we're releasing our personal favorite watchalong to date, Final Destination! Pull up Netflix, press play at the same time we do, and travel back with us to the year 2000. We discuss one-striped sweaters, taking a shit with your best friend, and our high school memories. And of course, we discuss this classic-ish horror movie! We'll return sooner than you think, but until then, watch this classic with us!
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
30 Days of Night (2007)
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
On this week's episode of the podcast, we sink our teeth into 30 Days of Night, which pleasantly surprised us! Listen to us talk about how Josh Hartnett's acting and hair improved since H20, if we could survive an Alaskan winter, and what was the bathroom situation like on this. Plus, we talked about some other things we watched this week and get you updated on all the horror movie news. Give it a listen!
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Final Destination 2 watchalong!
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
While everyone is quarantined with nothing to do, the Spook House is here to watch shitty movies with you. Just pull up Final Destination 2 on Netflix and press play at the same time we do! We hope to bring you some more watchalongs during the quarantine, so shoot us some suggestions if you enjoy these. So, show off that mid riff, grab your Limp Bizkit cd, and spike those bleach blonde tips, cuz we're going back to the early 2000's!
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
The Lost Boys (1987)
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
"Sleep all day. Party all night. It's fun to be a vampire." Damn, we're excited for this one! A personal favorite for both of us, we are finally covering this 1987 classic. We break down the movie top-to-bottom, discuss the bangin' soundtrack along the way, and delve into all sorts of fun facts throughout the episode. But first, as always, we recount some recent movie viewings and discuss the latest horror news. So, get ready to blow that sax and party with us as we sink our teeth into this classic!
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Vampire month keeps on rolling with the Tarantino/Rodriguez movie, From Dusk Till Dawn. Listen to us talk about Tarantino's weird foot fetish, Poor choices in tribal tattoos, and why people who back in to parking spots can be oh so frustrating. As always, we talk about what else we watched this week and the newest horror movie news. Give it a listen!
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Fright Night (1985)
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
We are kicking off Vampire month here at the Spook House, and what better way than to start with this 1985 Tom Holland classic! Before diving into the movie, we cover all the latest horror news, and we recount our recent movie viewings. We have some killer vampire flicks lined up for the month so be cool like Brewster and stay tuned for those!
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Freddy Vs Jason (2003)
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
On the final episode of of WTF?! month we round it out with the 2000's classic, Freddy Vs. Jason. The movie that took over a decade to get made and has aged like a glass of fine milk. We dissect everything from 2000s Nu Metal, awful CGI, Kelly Rowland saying very mean things and why it holds a special place in our hearts. Before we get to that, we talk about some other things we watched, and some horror movie news as usual. Place your bets, Bitch!
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
"What the fuck?!" month has turned into a test of our will and determination, and today, we are being put to the ultimate test by covering the monstrous turd known as "Freddy's Dead". The movie that turned Freddy into a literal cartoon, we dissect everything wrong with this awful movie and break it down in all its glory. Before doing that, we cover the latest horror news, and we fill you in on some actual good movies that we've seen lately as well!
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
In this "final" Friday, we are covering the hot mess of a movie known as "Jason Goes to Hell". With a 23 year old director behind the camera, JGTH is a bizarre movie in more ways than one. We break down exactly what went wrong, why there is a bounty hunter dressed as a cowboy, why Jason is a slug demon that jumps from body-to-body, and why this movie resembles nothing of a "Friday the 13th" movie. As always, we discuss some recent movie viewings and cover some horror news!
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (1995)
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
We are kicking off "What the fuck?!" month here at the Spook House, and what better way to start than with this? A movie so bad Matthew McConaughey and Renee Zelwegger's publicists' tried to ban it from being re-released, we sit down and watch this dumpster fire of a movie and break it down in all its glory. But first, we cover the recent Halloween Kills screening reactions from those that attended it, and lots more!